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School Premium Package Licence Purchase

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Please note that this licence key can only be activated if you qualify for our School Premium Package. To qualify, your teacher will need to have an active account with us with a unique Teacher Code. To gain access, you will need both this Licence Key and the Teacher Code.

Please make this purchase only if your school is using our books and videos and you require the licence key because you have mistakenly purchased a book without the key.

Video access is only valid from January to December within the year of activation. License access will expire on the 31st of December of the year the license was purchased, irrespective of the date of purchase within that year.

Once you've completed the below form and are taken to the payment gateway to complete your payment, please do not close your browser window after payment and allow the payment gateway to return you to the website as the system needs to send you important information regarding your order.

Operating Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8:30 – 16:30
Friday: 8:30 – 15:00

Feel free to visit us at:
413 Ontdekkers Road
Florida North

Order Our Books
  - School Premium Package
  - Core Mathematics
  - Advanced Programme Mathematics
Video Portal Registrations
  - SPP Registration
  - SPP Licence Purchase
  - Individual Video Licence Purchase
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